Our Women’s program is a gender specific outpatient treatment program serving women with substance abuse problems through their life span by focusing on providing individual support and a nurturing environment for women to heal and grow. Our empowerment model seeks to build on women’s strengths in order for them to develop a foundation of wellness and promote healthy independence. This will allow the women to sustain themselves throughout their recovery and beyond.
The Women’s program provides individual counseling, case management services and the following groups:
- Women’s First Step to Recovery – An intensive group for women with moderate to severe substance use disorders who need additional structure and support. The group meets three times a week for three-hour sessions utilizing the Living in Balance curriculum.
- Seeking Safety – An integrated treatment group for women with substance use disorders who have experienced trauma. The goal of the group is to increase healthy coping strategies related to the impact of trauma and substance use and does not focus on the trauma itself.
- Beyond Trauma: A Healing Journey for Women – This is an evidence-based curriculum designed to help women and girls recover from the effects of trauma in their lives. There are twelve sessions divided into three modules: (A) Violence, Abuse, and Trauma; (B) The Impact of Trauma on Women’s Lives; and (C) Healing from Trauma. The women in the group go through a process of 1. understanding what has happened to them (they will learn more about what trauma is and how widespread trauma is in women’s lives), 2. exploring how trauma has affected them, 3. learning coping mechanisms, doing activities to help them feel grounded, and focusing on safety.
- Women’s Anger Management (WAM) – A group for women who are abstinent and in the action or maintenance stage of recovery. The group utilizes the a cognitive behavioral therapy curriculum developed by SAMHSA to address various topics related to anger.
For more information, contact us.