Recovery Support & Wellness
Recovery is about more than simply learning to put down drugs and alcohol. To truly heal from addiction and mental illness, all aspects of self must be addressed; mind, body and soul. The Freedom Center staff understand that in order to achieve long-term, sustained recovery a variety of treatment and wellness services are needed to assist clients on their journey.
Empowering Recovery with Wellness
The program activities are designed to support and enhance client’s recovery from alcohol and other drug addiction by providing them with a range of individualized and group wellness activities. The activities can be scheduled outside of the regular treatment hours and include recreational and wellness activities in the community and home settings. The program activities help with reducing stress and boredom, improving physical health, increasing socialization and boosting self-esteem and motivation. This program is supported by generous funding from United Way of Knox County.
Onsite Twelve Step Support Groups
The Freedom Center provides meeting space for onsite Twelve Step support groups during evening and weekends to ensure individuals in recovery have access to sober support. Regular participation in a Twelve Step program and involvement with a sponsor can help with long-term sobriety and abstinence.
Build a Strong Foundation for Lasting Recovery
Discover our holistic approach to healing that addresses mind, body, and soul. From twelve-step support groups to wellness activities, we provide the comprehensive tools you need for sustainable recovery.